Recommendations of the XIV International Seminar on Sobriology
We, representatives of the organizations – International Academy of sobriety, International Union of Drug-free Education, All-Russian Movement « Sober Russia », International Slavic Academy, All-Russian Association "Optimalist", Union of Struggle for National Sobriety, International Temperance and Health League, International Association of Psychoanalysts, Youth anti-drug Federation Russia, Ukrainian Society of Temperance and Health, Belarus Public Association « Sobriety – Optimalist » of G.A.Shichko, EuroMediterranean Association against Substance Abuse, Lithuanian Temperance Movement, Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Art, Russian Association of Public Health, European association « European Cities Against Drugs » and other organizations from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kyrgustan, Turkmenistan, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Great Britain, Sweden, Ireland expressing serious anxiety in connection with a serious problem of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs existing in the world, having gathered in Sevastopol at the XIV International seminar on Sobriology, Preventive Maintenance, Social Pedagogy and Alcology for consideration of questions of legal counteraction to narcotism and to qualitative formation of culture of health:
1. confirm our unshakable determination and the obligation to overcome a world problem of narcotism with the help of formation of the healthy, sober person, strengthening of sober, spiritually high-grade family, becoming of a harmonious sober society, and also perfection of the world and national legislation effectively influencing both on demand and for the offer of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs;
2. recognize, that actions under the decision of the global problem of illegal drugs entirely and completely depend on the solving of the global problem with legal drugs (tobacco, alcohol, toxic substances etc.). Experience of many countries of the world proves, that where the sober society is created there illegal drugs will not penetrate. And on the contrary in alcoholized and the smoked states, territories and families illegal drugs will penetrate first of all;
3. declare about our support of all temperance and anti-drug international, national and regional organizations in solving of the global problem of narcotism and formation of sober generation;
4. are indignant with the fact that already more than one year in Russia the narcotism and even drug trafficking are actually legalized, according the Decisions of the Government of Russia № 231 from May, 6, 2004. Not looking on a negative estimation of this decision from the side of Federal service of Drug Control of Russia, the State Duma of the Russian Federation and a lot of public organizations the decision is not cancelled till now;
5. warn the governments of our countries, that the further indulgences in the legislation against narcotism, connivance drug trafficking and not acceptance of corresponding measures in counteraction to total alcoholization of our peoples, will lead to the middle of the current century to disappearance of the states and peoples occupying our countries;
6. declare about the determination to allocate necessary scientific and public resources for the solving of the problems of narcotism in our countries. But without political will of leaders of our states, the problem will be aggravated from year to year;
7. call all world community, all deputy staff of our countries to show the civic duty in rescue of our nations and our peoples from total destruction as a result of mass consumption of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs;
8. welcome « Code of Honour of the employee of the structures of the Federal Service of Drug Control », accepted by the Service in July, 2005. We are sure, that it will make inside all force system in Russia a new step in becoming the courageous, fair, decent fighter with faultless reputation for our rescue from the world drug mafia and their henchmen. We hope, that the following step among employees of the Federal Service of Drug Control becomes consecutive farewell to legal drugs in the personal plan (tobacco and alcohol);
9. express deep concern in system of application in our territories of so-called programs of harm reduction and every possible replaceable therapies. We are depressed, that some representatives of scientific world, experts in addiction medicine, participate in these artful and dangerous processes. We are surprised, that on this slippery way there were some officials on places;
10. call our communities, deputies, workers of sphere of education, representatives of political, religious, cultural, sports, business and trade-union circles, the nongovernmental organizations and mass media in all countries to accept the most active participation in becoming new sober, healthy generation, showing thus a personal example of a healthy, sober way of life;
11. undertake to promote also to development of multilateral, regional, subregional and bilateral cooperation between nongovernmental organizations in the business of development of movement for the happy, high-grade, spiritually filled, sober life;
12. declare, that the International Academy of Sobriety is ready to undertake preparation of teachers, psychologists, physicians, social workers and other experts on formation of healthy, sober way of life among youth;
13. recommend the governments of the countries to create a databank, describing a population, having a sober, healthy way of life on various social groups of a society and among representatives of various professions (in relative and absolute parameters);
14. propose to the Ministries of Education and Science of the countries to include the program of training to a healthy, sober way of life in state standards of the basic education of children, teenagers, youth (preschool establishments, schools, average special and higher education, postdegree preparation), with the purpose of achievement by each person and society as a whole the realized necessity to accept responsibility for preservation of health; to expand a network of children-youth establishments of special education for destitute children (Suvorov’s schools, schools named after Dzerzhinsky, educational institutions of Makarenko and others);
15. insist to count drinking, smoking teacher, the physician, the psychologist, the social worker professionally not suitable to work with children on formation of the healthy, sober way of life;
16. call the ministries of the countries responsible for mass-media, to carry out wide competitions on every possible nominations on the best literary works, arts, seales, a cinema, radio and TV in the field of overcoming of the problems of narcotism and on formation of the healthy, sober person;
17. remind – the governments of the countries bear the responsibility for health of peoples, especial for health of the young generation determining the future potential of any country;
12. ask the United Nations Organization to declare 2006 – YEAR of DEVELOPMENT of the HEALTHY, SOBER LIFE.